Loading VG Eclipse Files


VG Eclipse files are binary files, one file per spectral region, organised in directories where files with common acquisition characteristics appear in the same directory or inside sub-directories within that directory. CasaXPS will convert these directory structures into a single ISO-14976 file where experimental information and relationships are maintained. Quantification in CasaXPS can be performed in an identical way to the Eclipse data system; transmission correction is accounted for by CasaXPS whenever the information is included in the original files.


Individual spectral regions are stored in files with a .dts extension. Sets of regions are stored in individual files all located in the same sub-directory. Older versions of Eclipse may have .col extensions associated with these data directories, but later versions of Eclipse generate such directories without this naming conversion. Similarly, depth profiles or angle resolved experiments appear as sets of directories, one per acquisition region, where each sub-directory contains the .dts files for one of the acquisition regions involved in the experiment. Again, older versions of Eclipse use a naming convention where each sub-directory was given a .mle extension.


There are four ways to convert VG Eclipse data.

·        If an individual file is required then selecting the .dts file via the Covert to VAMAS file dialog window will result in the creation of a VAMAS file containing the spectrum in that .dts and no others.

·        If, on the other hand, all the .dts files are require in the same VAMAS file, the Covert to VAMAS file dialog window should be used to find the directory containing the spectral regions. The name of the new file entered in the dialog window must be specified in the text-field, but with a .col extension. It is the extension given to the filename that flags the type of conversion required, however the new file created by CasaXPS will replace the entered extension by .vms.

·        The third method converts depth profile type file structures. Using the Covert to VAMAS file dialog window, move to the directory that contains the sub-directories containing the spectral regions. Whilst at the level of the sub-directories enter the name of the new filename and add a .mle extension. The .mle flags that CasaXPS should read each sub-directory within the current directory and convert all the .dts files found within the sub-directories. The new filename will replace the .mle extension with .vms. Figure 1 shows the dialog window where the visible directories are about to be converted using the .mle flag. The filename profile.mle indicates that each of the directories form part of a depth profile and should be interpreted as the names for the regions found inside these directories. The result of converting these directories is shown in Figure 2.

·        A fourth conversion filter appears in v2.1.0. The .all flag allows data held in separate sub-directories in a similar structure to the .mle directory grouping to be converted into a single VAMAS file. The sub-directory names are used to label the rows of spectra as seen within CasaXPS when viewed in Edit Mode.


Figure 1: Convert to VAMAS File Dialog Window.


Figure 2: VAMAS File Block Structure from a VG Eclipse Depth Profile.